Book evaluation – Little lord fauntleroy – Intermedia Sharks

What is a "SHIP"?


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Whats is a "Castle"?


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Whats is a "Carriage"?


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Whats is a Contryside?


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Whats is a "Pleased"?


  • To be Happy and satisfied
  • To be nervous
  • To be extremely mad

Whats is a "Pony"?


  • a very big horse
  • A very tiny horse
  • An average horse

9. Whats is "Nobility"?

  • A group of people made of nobles
  • A group of people made of slave
  • A group of people made of citizens

10. Whats is an "Earl"?

  • A person in a high class rank
  • A person in a low class rank
  • A person in a middle class rank

True or False:

Little Road "Fauntleroy" is an old man


  • True
  • False

Cedric has to leave his friends and New York


  • False
  • True

14. Earl of Dorincourt is Edri`s Cousin


  • True
  • False

15. Mrs. Errol is Edric`s aunt


  • True
  • False

17. who did lord Fauntleroy go riding with at first


  • With a Cedric
  • with his mom
  • With Wilkins

18. Why did lord Fauntleroy get off his pony one day


  • With a Cedric
  • To help a village boy
  • with his mom

What is the past and past participle of the verb "run"?

  • Past: ran
  • Past Participle: run

What is the past and past participle of the verb "seek"?

  • Past: sought
  • Past Participle: sought

What is the past and past participle of the verb "shoot"?

  • Past: shot
  • Past Participle: shot

What is the past and past participle of the verb "send"?

  • Past: sent
  • Past Participle: sent

What is the past and past participle of the verb "light"?

  • Past: lit/lighted
  • Past Participle: lit/lighted

What is the past and past participle of the verb "lend"?

  • Past: lent
  • Past Participle: lent

What is the past and past participle of the verb "hear"?

  • Past: heard
  • Past Participle: heard

What is the past and past participle of the verb "give"?

  • Past: gave
  • Past Participle: given

What is the past and past participle of the verb "freeze"?

  • Past: froze
  • Past Participle: frozen

What is the past and past participle of the verb "fly"?

  • Past: flew
  • Past Participle: flown

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