E4CC / Examen B1 – PB3 and Coco the Clown

Examen B1 - E4CC

it’s night. Sally is with her uncle Coco
the clown in his circus motorhome.
They are having dinner. Suddenly they
hear a strange noise WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

What can it be? It’s round and grey.

Sally and Coco run outside.
A small ET and a robot are coming down
the stairs of the spaceship.

My name is PB3
and this is my robot,

My name is Sally
and this is my uncle,
Coco the clown.

PB3 and Robin are very surprised.
On Planet P3 they don’t have animals,
or motorhomes or even many different colours
(they only have black, grey, green and white).

Look at
those funny

Those aren’t
houses! They’re

Ha! Ha!
This is a circus.

Coco and Sally invite PB3 and Robin to have
a cup of tea.

Do you
like tea?

I don’t know.

sally is showing PB3 some photos of her family. Her father is a juggler. His names is Juggler jim and he`s very clever! Robin is taking photos of the tea.

beatiful balls! orange and blue and yellow and red and purple!

Tea! brown and hot and wet!

sally`s mother, elliet, and her aunt Mary are elephant trainers. They are both short but very strong!

these are my mum and my aunt Mary. They love elephants!

oh! Here´s another photo. It´s behind the photo of sally´s mother and the elephants. It´s a photo of Katya. She´s an acrobat and the circus achoolteacher. She´s very beatiful!

is this another aunt?

No. It´s Katya. Why is her photo here Uncle coco?

it´s time for you to go to bed sally!


The next morning sally goes to the circus school. She invites PB3 and Robin to go with her.

hellow, Welcome to he circus school!

These are my new friends PB3 and Robin.

Oh! There´s Coco! What´s he doing on that elephant? He has some flowers for Katya. He wanrs to give them to her … But Katya thinks he is just practising for the show.

coco is practising! Well done Coco!

It´s afternoon. School is finished. PB3 and Robin go to sally´s motorhome to have lunch with her mum and dad.

goodbye Katya!


Practica para el examen

#1. 1. What are Sally and her uncle Coco having in the circus motorhome?

#2. 2. What sound startles Sally and Coco during dinner?

#3. What do Sally and Coco see when they go outside?

#4. 4. Who comes down the stairs of the spaceship?

#5. 5. What is the name of the small extraterrestrial?

#6. 6. What is Robin?

#7. 7. What colors are present on Planet P3?

#8. 8. What do PB3 and Robin find amusing about the "houses"?

#9. 9. What do Sally and Coco reveal about the funny houses?

#10. 10. What do Sally and Coco offer PB3 and Robin?

#11. 11. How does PB3 respond to the invitation for tea?

#12. 12. What does PB3 say about animals on Planet P3?

#13. 13. What is Robin's role on the spaceship?

#14. 14. Why are PB3 and Robin surprised when they see the circus?

#15. What does 'trabajar' translate to in English?

#16. What does 'Conducir' translate to in English?

#17. What does 'Escuchar' translate to in English?

#18. What does 'Gastar' translate to in English?

#19. What does 'Observar' translate to in English?

#20. What does 'Traer' translate to in English?


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