100 Verbos en inglés

Verbos en inglés

Verbos en inglés

Verbo Presente Pasado Pronunciación en Español Significado
to go go went gou ir
to eat eat ate it comer
to speak speak spoke spik hablar
to swim swim swam suim nadar
to run run ran ran correr
to write write wrote rait escribir
to read read read rid leer
to sleep sleep slept slip dormir
to speak speak spoke spouk hablar
to swim swim swam suám nadar
to fly fly flew flu volar
to give give gave gueiv dar
to eat eat ate et comer
to drink drink drank drank beber
to swear swear swore suer jurar, maldecir
to think think thought zot pensar
to begin begin began biguín empezar
to break break broke brok romper
to catch catch caught cot atrapar
to choose choose chose chuz elegir
to cut cut cut cat cortar
to fall fall fell fel caer
to feel feel felt felt sentir
to forget forget forgot forghot olvidar
to hear hear heard jerd escuchar
to hit hit hit jit golpear
to keep keep kept kept mantener
to leave leave left left dejar
to mean mean meant ment significar
Abstain Abstain Abstained Abstéin Abstenerse de algo
Accuse Accuse Accused Acús Acusar a alguien de algo
Activate Activate Activated Áktiveit Activar algo
Adapt Adapt Adapted Adápt Adaptar algo a una situación
Add Add Added Ad Agregar algo a otra cosa
Admire Admire Admired Admáir Admirar algo o alguien
Advocate Advocate Advocated Ádvoket Abogar por algo o alguien
Affix Affix Affixed Afíks Afijar algo a otra cosa
Agree Agree Agreed Agrí Ponerse de acuerdo con alguien en algo
Aid Aid Aided Eid Ayudar a alguien en algo
Align Align Aligned Aláin Alinear algo con otra cosa

Practica un poco los verbos

#1. What is the meaning of the verb "to sneer"?

Respuesta correcta: Burlarse

#2. What is the meaning of the verb "to reckon"?

Respuesta correcta:  Adivinar

#3. What is the meaning of the verb "to scold"?

Respuesta correcta:  Regañar

#4. What is the meaning of the verb "to listen"?

Respuesta correcta: Escuchar

#5. What is the meaning of the verb "to teach"?

Respuesta correcta: Enseñar

#6. What is the meaning of the verb "to travel"?

Respuesta correcta:  Viajar

#7. What is the meaning of the verb "to read"?

Respuesta correcta: Leer

#8. What is the meaning of the verb "to speak"?

Respuesta correcta:  Hablar

#9. What is the meaning of the verb "to swim"?

Respuesta correcta:  Nadar

#10. What is the meaning of the verb "to quench"?

Respuesta correcta:  Apagar

#11. What is the meaning of the verb "to draw"?

Respuesta correcta:  Dibujar


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