este examen está diseñado para evaluar las habilidades lingüísticas en inglés de los niños de entre 6 y 8 años de edad.
El examen consta de tres partes: Comprensión auditiva, Comprensión de lectura y Escritura y está enfocado en temas que son relevantes e interesantes para los niños. Los temas que se abordan en el examen incluyen:
- Vida cotidiana: Saludos, presentaciones, comida y bebida, ropa, objetos de la casa, etc.
- Ocio y entretenimiento: Música, deportes, animales, juegos, fiestas, etc.
- El mundo que nos rodea: El clima, la naturaleza, la geografía, los medios de transporte, etc.
- La familia y amigos: Nombres de familiares y amigos, relaciones familiares, mascotas, etc.
- La escuela y el aprendizaje: Los objetos escolares, las asignaturas, la descripción de la escuela, la rutina escolar, etc.
#1. What do you call the event where people dress up in costumes and go door-to-door asking for candy?
#2. What do you call the process of moving from one place to another?
#3. Which of the following is a type of food that you might have for breakfast?
#4. Which of the following is a musical instrument?
#5. Which of the following is a type of sandwich filling?
#6. What do you call the person you are in a romantic relationship with?
#7. Which of the following is a type of vegetable?
#8. Which of the following is a piece of clothing?
#9. What do you call a small piece of paper that you use to buy something?
#10. Which of the following is a type of drink?
#11. Which of the following is a mode of transportation that travels on water?
#12. What do you use to cut food?
#13. What do you call the daughter of your brother or sister?
#14. What do you call the event where people gather to watch a live performance of music or theater?
#15. What do you say when you meet someone for the first time?
#16. Which of the following is a type of sweet dessert?
#17. Which of the following is a type of weather?
#18. What do you call the sport that involves riding waves on a board?
#19. Which of the following is a type of animal?
#20. Which of the following is a type of fruit?
#21. What do you call a meal that you have in the morning?
#22. What do you use to brush your teeth?
#23. What do you use to clean your clothes?