Examen básico 4 / E4CC Uncle Jack

young Ailey readers.
Uncle Jack and The Baroni Tree.
Jane Waller Copyright Ailey 2009.
My Name.

there’s a picture of my friend King Cambo and the Forest.
Let’s go and listen to him,
said Uncle Jack Thursday Save
Forest Friday,
the 24th of April.

King Kambogo told the people about Nyungwe
Forest and the animals that live there.

Then he told them about some bad men who
wanted to cut down the forest to grow tea. Most of
the people said, ‘We must help the forest!’ But there
were two bad men listening to King Kambogo.

One of them said, ‘We must stop King Kambogo!’
ne other said, ‘IRt’s give him a stomach-ache
with this medicine, then he can’t tell people about
Nyungwe Forest and we can cut down the forest
to grow tea!

ne next week Uncle Jack got a letter. It was from
King Kambogo. ‘I must go and see King Kambogo
in hospital!’ said Uncle Jack.

Dear uncle jack,
i am in st john hospital
i have a terrible
please come and see me.
your friend.
King Kambogo

That afternoon Uncle Jack went to visit King
Kambogo. King Kambogo wasn’t well! ‘I feel
terrible!’ he said. ‘Some people from the television
are coming to talk to me about Nyungwe Forest
but I can’t talk to them. I’m too weak.’
eme bad men were behind the curtain. ‘Ha Ha,’
they thought, Sour plan is working!’

I want you to go to Nyungwe Forest and bring
me some bark from the Umusurirabakonzi tree.
I need this to get well,’ said King Kambogo. Uncle jack listened. The two bad men listened too.
‘We must find this tree before Uncle Jack,’ the bad men said very quietly, and stop Uncle Jack
bringing the bark king Kambogo.

Uncle Jack put a map, some cheese sandwiches, a
pineapple and some tea into a basket. Of course
the children wanted to go with him! Grumpy the
dog didn’t want to go … but he had to help Uncle
Jack with the children!
Uncle Jack said, ‘We are going to Africa. We must
look for a Umusurirabakonzi tree.’
‘A WHAT?’ asked Daisy.
‘Let’s just call it a Bakonzi tree,’ said May.
‘O.K.’ said Uncle Jack laughing.

We can find the Bakonzi tree in Ngungwe Forest
and Ngungwe Forest is in Rwanda and Rwanda
is in Africa,’ said Uncle Jack.

‘Oh,’ said Jim, ‘it’s a chimpanzee!’
‘And baby chirnpanzres!’ said Mau. ‘Arent theu beautiful?
‘Hrrrrrrmph!’ said Grumpy. His idea was that only birds
liwd in trees.What were these chimpanzees doing in the
tree? Silly chimpanzees! thought Grumpy.
‘Come on. Let’s go!’ said Uncle Jack.

They saw a woman. ‘Hellow,’ said Daisy, ‘what’s your name?
‘My name is Winnie. Where are you going?’
asked the woman.

King Cambo told the people about Nyonu Forest and the animals that live there.
Then he told them about some bad men who wanted to cut down the forest to grow tea.
Most of the people said we must help the forest,
but there were two bad men listening to King Cambo.
One of them said,
We must stop.
King Camargo,
the other,
Let’s give him a stomach cake with his medicine.
Then he can’t tell people about the forest and we can cut down the forest to grow tea.
The next week,
Uncle Jack got a letter.
It was from King Cambo.
I must go and see King Cambo in hospital.
Said Uncle Jack.
Dear Uncle Jack,
I’m in Saint John’s Hospital.
I have a terrible stomachache.
Please come and see me.
Your friend King Kambo.
That afternoon,
Uncle Jack went to visit King Cam Bogo,
King Cambo wasn’t Well,
I feel terrible.
He said Some people from the television are coming to talk to me about forest,
but I can’t talk to them.
I’m too weak.
The bad men were behind the curtain.
they thought our plan is working.
I want you to go to NYU Forest and bring me some.

Practica para tu examen de E4CC BASICO 4


#1. 1- whats is the opposite of "weak"?

#2. 2- what is a similar word for "Grumpy"?

#3. 3- What animal does NOT belong to "Chimpazee"

#4. 4- What is a "Saw"?

#5. 5- What is a bark?

#6. 6- What is a "water jug"

#7. 7- What is a "Forest"?

#8. 8 - According to the lecture what is a "ballon"?

#9. 9- what is the closest word for "silly"?

#10. 10- what is a basket?


Verdadero / Falso

#1. 11-Uncle Jack is an explorer ...

#2. 12- There is a "Quee" in the story

#3. 13- King Kambogo is sick!

#4. 14- There are lions, monkeys and tigers in the story.

#5. 15- There are 5 bad men who want to cut down the trees

#6. 16 - what is king kambongo's problem?



#1. what is the past and past participle of the verb "sleep"

#2. what is the past and past participle of the verb "show"?

#3. what is the past and past participle of the verb "shrink"?

#4. what is the past and past participle of the verb "shine"?

#5. what is the past and past participle of the verb "send"?

#6. what is the past and past participle of the verb "build"?

#7. what is the past and past participle of the verb "pay"?


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