Examen Cambridge English: Starters (YLE Starters) A2

Practica tus habilidades de compresión en el ingles

El examen Cambridge English: Starters, también conocido como YLE Starters (Young Learners English Starters), es un examen diseñado para evaluar el nivel de inglés de los niños de entre 6 y 12 años. Este examen evalúa las habilidades lingüísticas en las áreas de comprensión auditiva, comprensión lectora y expresión oral.

#1. Which fruit is yellow and has a big stone inside?

Justification: The question is about food and drink. The correct answer is “peach” because it is a yellow fruit with a large seed inside.

#2. Which animal is known for its long neck?

Answer:  Giraffe Justification: The question is about animals. The correct answer is “giraffe” because it is known for having a long neck, which helps it reach leaves high up in trees.

#3. What do you call the piece of furniture with shelves where you can store books?

Justification: The question is about furniture. The correct answer is “bookshelf” because it is a piece of furniture with shelves specifically designed for storing books.

#4. Which color is made by mixing blue and yellow?

Justification: The question is about colors. The correct answer is “green” because it is made by mixing blue and yellow together.

#5. What animal says "woof" in English?


Dog Justification: The question is about animals and pets. The correct answer is “dog”.


#6. What do you call the animal with black and white stripes that lives in Africa?

Justification: The question is about animals and the correct answer is “zebra” because they are known for their black and white stripes and live in the African savannah.

#7. Which planet is closest to the Sun?

Answer:  Mercury Justification: The question is about planets in our solar system. The correct answer is “Mercury” because it is the planet closest to the Sun.

#8. Which shape has three sides?

Answer:  Triangle Justification: The question is about shapes. The correct answer is “triangle” because it has three sides.

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#9. Which animal is kept as a pet and is often known for chasing its own tail?

Justification: The question is about animals and pets. The correct answer is “dog” because they are commonly kept as pets and are known to chase their own tails for entertainment.

#10. What do you call the place where you go to see a movie?

Answer: b) Cinema Justification: The question is about places and environment. The correct answer is “cinema” because it is a place where you can watch movies on a big screen.

#11. Which holiday is celebrated on December 25th?

Answer:  Christmas Justification: The question is about holidays. The correct answer is “Christmas” because it is celebrated on December 25th.

#12. What do you call the small, flat pieces of plastic that you use to play games or build things?

Answer: b) Tiles Justification: The question is about objects and toys. The correct answer is “tiles” because they are flat pieces of plastic used for building or playing games.

#13. What do you call the frozen treat made from fruit or dairy?

Answer: Sorbet Justification: The question is about food and drink. The correct answer is “sorbet” because it is a frozen treat made from fruit or dairy, but without the cream that makes ice cream.

#14. What do you call the object used to measure time?

Answer:  Clock Justification: The question is about objects and tools. The correct answer is “clock” because it is used to measure time.

#15. What do you call the object that you use to see things far away?

Justification: The question is about objects and tools. The correct answer is “telescope” because it is used to see things that are far away, such as stars in the night sky.

#16. Which sport involves hitting a small ball over a net?

Answer: Tennis Justification: The question is about sports. The correct answer is “tennis” because it involves hitting a small ball over a net with a racket.

#17. What do you call the material used to write on a chalkboard?

Answer:  Chalk Justification: The question is about writing materials. The correct answer is “chalk” because it is the material used to write on a chalkboard.


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